Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Delurking for the cause

The idea of "Delurking For The Cause" supposedly originated with Mrs. Flinger, who is said to have invented the parts of the Internet that Al Gore forgot about. Sonia Sunshine has used this idea several times in the past, and now I'd like to put some of this overtime I've been making the last few months to good use.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is important to me as Peggy struggled with breast cancer in her last years, and I also have a few other family members and friends who have had to deal with this disease as well. So in order to spread awareness, and in hopes of one day finding a cure, I will donate to The National Breast Cancer Foundation one Yankee dollar for each individual who leaves a comment on the thread below.
The rules are simple. Comment as much as you like, but only one comment per person will be counted. The thread will be open for comments through Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. At 12:00 AM on Tuesday, October 21, no further comments will be counted and the thread will be closed.
If you're still out there lurking, now's the time to come out. Regular Hillsters and those passing through from my other hangouts are of course encouraged to participate. Also, be sure to continue visiting The Breast Cancer Site and clicking the button there to help fund mammograms for those who cannot afford them.
UPDATE: Dave has offered to match my contribution. Good man.
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